Monday, November 16, 2009

Connection File for ISU Catalog

Link to Connection File Page

The Iowa State University Connection File from EndNote is out of date. 

The revised connection file is hosted on the Library LibGuide page supporting EndNote. 

The link is as follows....

Just download this to the connection folder and then you can use the connect or the online search option to connect to the library catalog and retrieve records.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Thanks -- Stephen

Friday, November 13, 2009

Ebsco Problem with EndNote Web

There is a problem with Ebsco databases and EndNote Web. Its not a real problem as the workaround works great but its not obvious. So.....

When you go to export references there are a number of options one of which is Direct Export to EndNote Web....


Use the Direct Export to EndNote, ProCite, CITAVI, or Reference Manager

This will allow for automatic importing into EndNote Web provided you have installed the CWYW Word Plugin.

Let me know if you have questions.

Thanks -- Stephen

Workshop Information

Workshop Evaluation -- Please Complete!


EndNote Web



Previous Workshop

Zotero, EndNote Web & EndNote - Manage Your Bibliographies the Easy Way

Learn about bibliographic management tools, designed to help you gather, organize and use bibliographic citations. The seminar was held on February 22, 2008 in Parks Library. Content of the seminar is split into four sections.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Workshops Scheduled


I have scheduled two upcoming workshops on EndNote Web and Zotero for mid November.   These will be held in the new training lab in the parks Library on the 1st floor, Room 134 of the Parks Library.

EndNote web is scheduled for Friday the 13th (November 13th) from 10:00 am - 11:00 am

Zotero is scheduled for Tuesday, November 17th from 2:00 - 3:00 pm.

Thanks -- HSM

Recent Query -- Sharing Resources


EndNote has the ability to sync or share your references between the computer with the EndNote software (version x or higher) with EndNote Web.  EndNote Web has the ability to allow you to share your references with others -- via e-mail accounts with either the ability to read or read write.  In the read only mode, invited users (by their e-mail address) can view the shared groups (libraries) references. 

I received the following query --   Dr. is sharing resources via EndNote Web.  Is there a way to copy / transfer those shared refs down to my EndNote client. I can do that with the ones called “my references” but don’t see a way to do it with shared ones. 

There are two ways to do this --

1.  In endnote web you can mark the shared references and then copy them (add to group) into a  group (library) within your endnote web account.  You may want to create a new group before moving.

2. You can export the shared references  down to your computer in either the ris format or the endnote library format and then manually import them into your endnote library (if you use the ris format – import using the ris filter & if you export with the endnote library filter – use the endnote import not the endnote library import)

My recommendation would be to copy the wanted references from the shared group into your groups and then use the automatic sync feature between EndNote and Endnote web.

If any ones is interested I can make a short video and post.

Thanks -- Stephen 

CiteULike: Everyone's library

CiteULike: Everyone's library

What is CiteULike?

CiteULike is a free service to help you to store, organise and share the scholarly papers you are reading. When you see a paper on the web that interests you, you can click one button and have it added to your personal library. CiteULike automatically extracts the citation details, so there's no need to type them in yourself. It all works from within your web browser so there's no need to install any software. Because your library is stored on the server, you can access it from any computer with an Internet connection.

Why is it "social"?

You can share your library with others, and find out who is reading the same papers as you. In turn, this can help you discover literature which is relevant to your field but you may not have known about. The more people who use CiteULike, and the more they use it, the better it becomes as a resource. You can help with this process just by using CiteULike and through the invite a friend feature.

CiteULike: Everyone's library